Whatever with the past has gone, the best is yet to come

How To Enter:
Anyone who posts a comment, here or anywhere else on this blog, between now & Feb 4th 2009 will be entered in the give away. The winner will be announced on Feb 8th, upon my return from Reenactor Fest V.
The Prize:
Well that waits to be seen. Traditionally the second anniversary is celebrated with gifts of cotton. I will be keeping with that tradition, however, the individual prize will be tailored to the winner, making it truly unique. It could be a flamestitched wallet, a calico neckerchief, a crosstitched pin cushion, a hand sewn cap, &c. The options are endless, only limited by my imagination & the winners preferences.
My thanks go out to everyone who has made writing these past two years so enjoyable; to those that I've been fortunate enough to meet at events & those that I've only met online; to those that have been my mentors as I lept head first into 18th century reenacting & to those that have let me teach them. Most importantly my thanks go out to L & J for nodding & smiling when I go off in an obsessive tangent, happily letting me drag them around to event after event & being there for me every minute of this amazing journey.
As the title quote by Lucy Larcom says, the best is yet to come.
What a nifty idea! I didn't know that the second anniversary is traditionally gifts of cotton- how did you find out about that?
Congrats on two years!! I have enjoyed following your blog for the last year!! I think I am inching up on one year myself. :) I started my blog a little later then I started me reenacting!! Thank you for all the fun blog posts, and here's to more to come!!
Yours in the hobby,
If I may inquire, what is flame stitching? I think I know what the wallet is for. Not sure what I have to put in it though. ;)
I just clicked on the ReenactorFest link after replying before. We were from Illinois and only able to make it to the first one. When did they move it from Arlington Heights to Wheeling? That was such a nice hotel they were having it at.
JC- You'd be amazed what you can find using Google. I just typed in "2nd anniversary traditional gift" & bingo: cotton. The modern gift is china, but well, I'm not a china maker :D
Thanks for the congrats Rachel. I'm looking forward to many many more years!
Connie- Flame stitch is a specific style of Bargello needlework popular on seat cushions & wallets during the 18th C. The stitches are laid in a repetitive up & down zig-zag pattern that looks like flames. Several museums have period examples & several sutlers carry kits for making the wallets.
This will be the first year that RF will be in Wheeling. It's actually just up the street from the original Arlington Heights location. The new hotel is larger which allows all the sutlers to be in the same ball room, more rooms for guests, more restaurants on site etc. It sounds like a good move for the growing event.
OK, I think I know what you're talking about with the stitch. If I recall, on FF, Jeanne-Patrice did something like that on the wallet she made for Bear. Those are lovely! But from what I understand, time consuming!
As for Reenactor Fest I take it the hotel is off Rt 14 then? That is if I still have my bearings straight for the area.
Many years ago I lived up that way in Mt. Prospect. Had a great little cape cod up that way.
Thanks Chole for being so supportive: I think you were the first person to follow my blog. Hope to read much more of your adventures in 18th-century reenacting!
Congratulations on two years! I'm hoping that at some point I will get to meet you. Maybe next year's reenactor fest (although I'd make Kass and Bob and you come with me to a nice dessert, as my birthday is the 6th).
Have a lovely time!
Cotton for anniverary #2--what a great idea--back to tradition for me. Thanks for such a great blog theme--I have much to learn from you. 18thC Cuisine
Two years, well done!
Consider this my entry post for the contest... :)
Congratulations on two years! Way to go! :p
(BTW..people are wondering about you on AM. You are really missed.)
Wow! Two years have flown by! My baby is two and a half now and I'm just finding the time to come to see what you are doing. I love the pretty penny dress. Beautiful. Your talent amazes me. -Tanya
Congratulations on two years of well written wit and entertaining information. May your future be as rich as your past has been!
Hi Chole, just a note to let you know that I've nominated you for for The Excessively Diverting Blog Award, see:
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