Tempus Fugit Award

The Doctor has lately granted Slightly Obsessed the first Tempus Fugit Award. My thanks go out to him for both his support & for his continued blogging on various 18th century subjects.
"The TEMPUS FUGIT Award is given to writers & living historians whose journals represent the best aspects of the 18th Century. These writers aim to inform and entertain the public with tales from events, historic research & experiments and highlights from 18th Century arts and culture. It is the hope of TEMPUS FUGIT that this award will forge a web of friendship and knowledge that will aid in creating a tight community of reenactors and living historians on the internet and beyond. Winners of the TEMPUS FUGIT Award should pass this award along to six other 18th Century blogs that meet the above criteria, and include this text with the Award, as well as a link back to the TEMPUS FUGIT blog."
Now I am taxed with the job of nominating 6 fellow 18th century bloggers with this wonderful award. The trouble comes in that we are a rather small circle, who all already follow each others writings. While I would gladly re-nominate all of the others the Doctor has already bestowed with the award, I will attempt not to do so & instead to include a few new, less known faces. I'm afraid however, that my attempt will fall short of the requested six.
18th Century Cuisine I have nominated Carolyne before, and as long as she continues to share such deliciously tempting food photographs and their corresponding recipes, I will continue to do so.
Dr. Johnson's Dictionary I recently stumbled across these daily word postings, in celebration of the good Doctor's 300th birthday, and now anxiously await the daily addition to my 18th century lexicon.
Tinkering With the Past Max is not only a personal friend, but a wonderful tinsmith. I especially enjoy the comparison photos of original works and his modern reproductions.
Miss B Forts Up Miss B is a relatively new blogger, and a new reenactor. I was once in both her shoes & it's refreshing to follow someone else as they enter this world of history we live in.
I'm afraid that's as far as I can go right now without repeating other nominees. My thanks to all the other 18th century bloggers out there who have created such a wonderful little circle of like-minds.
Labels: Awards
'Like minds' indeed! Please allow me to offer my most respectful compliments to you on the fine work you do on your journal. I most sincerely wish you health and success in yr endeavors; and am, with great respect,
Yr Most Humble & Obt Svt.
The Doctor
Small circle or not, your blog deserves it. Congratulations! :D
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