A stupid man's report of what a clever man says
I was told recently that Slightly Obsessed has become a bit "dull". I believe the exact quote was something along the lines of "but don't you do anything fun?" Well yes, but winter fun & summer fun are two different things. Winter fun was the research, the in-depth articles & the endless reading. Now it's summer, event season, time for a whole new type of fun to start!
The Gathering at Macktown
This was my 2nd year camping and participating in the Gathering at Macktown but only my first year with the completed coffeehouse demo. What a change! Naturally there was the endlessly variable Midwestern April weather. Warm and sunny but with 30 mph gusts, giving way to sporadic rain and cold. I do give the public credit though, there were some truly hearty souls decked out in their rain gear & umbrellas despite the storms.
One of the best things about the Gathering is that it is so close to my home. This makes for a perfect season opener because I can just run back up the street to pick up those little odds and ends that either get forgotten after a long hiadus or simply didn't get refreshed after being used up the previous season.
The coffeehouse demo itself was a success. Friday only Contagion stopped by for a cup, but he passed the word and by Sunday I poured out nearly 4 pots. I was in full "talking head" mode most of the weekend and couldn't have been happier with the people that stopped by, asked interesting questions and complimented my impression. It means a lot to know that other reenactors appreciate the work I've put in.
After hours I hung around a bit in the Disreputable Scots camp, partly for the booze, partly for the music and partly because they were the only ones still up in camp late at night. I'm not sure if everyone else is getting old but wow, does Macktown get quiet around 11! Despite all my protestations about loyalty to the King, the Jacobites got what they deserved, godless savages, they really are one of the most fun bunches of folks around.
All in all, I couldn't be happier with the event and look forward to it again next year. Lets put in the order for nice weather now and maybe we'll have a chance to actaully get it.
Bloody Lake Rendezvous
As far as rendezvous go, Bloody Lake isn't all that bad. Sure there are the requisite "frunt-eer" types, a lot of "what were they thinking" moments and some rather loud mouthed neighbors but it is also the first event of the season where we get to camp with our friends in Brigands Folie. It is also fully of other friends, some that I get to see frequently, some that I only see on the rare occasion, some that I've only just met. I'm always amazed at how many new people I meet at every event. Eventually that has to taper off but for now it seems my list of "I've met you before" keeps growing.
Since it's a first come, first served event, we are never sure where we will be camped. This year we ended up on the swamp side of the site, in what I would guess is one of the best spots for us. The coffeehouse was right on the main cross roads, our sign easily visable from the hill side of the site. I'm considering moving our arrival date from Thursday to earlier in the week next year and staking out this space permanantly.
I again set up the coffeehouse demo, but Bloody Lake isn't as heavy handed on the demos as other events. This was nice because it meant I got more time to wander around in camp, do some needed shopping for the demo and chat with friends. Coffee service was surprisingly slow, despite my new nick name of "coffee lady". The few people that did stop by for a dish were very complimentary thought. I was even fortunate enough to have a few visitors really engage me in conversation on the subjects. So while the event wasn't intensive in sheer crowd numbers, it was intense in the depth of material I was able to share.
Other highlights to the event included, getting to hear Dragonfly sing, fitting K into her brand new stays (pictured above), the confabulation of 3 Pints Gone, Brigands Folie and several other musicians who I couldn't identify, getting trounced at checkers by 4 kids at once and of course all the laughs around the fire at night. Here's to next years event being bigger and better.
Up next: 100 years on the Ohio, my first event in the great state of Kentucky!
The Gathering at Macktown

One of the best things about the Gathering is that it is so close to my home. This makes for a perfect season opener because I can just run back up the street to pick up those little odds and ends that either get forgotten after a long hiadus or simply didn't get refreshed after being used up the previous season.
The coffeehouse demo itself was a success. Friday only Contagion stopped by for a cup, but he passed the word and by Sunday I poured out nearly 4 pots. I was in full "talking head" mode most of the weekend and couldn't have been happier with the people that stopped by, asked interesting questions and complimented my impression. It means a lot to know that other reenactors appreciate the work I've put in.
After hours I hung around a bit in the Disreputable Scots camp, partly for the booze, partly for the music and partly because they were the only ones still up in camp late at night. I'm not sure if everyone else is getting old but wow, does Macktown get quiet around 11! Despite all my protestations about loyalty to the King, the Jacobites got what they deserved, godless savages, they really are one of the most fun bunches of folks around.
All in all, I couldn't be happier with the event and look forward to it again next year. Lets put in the order for nice weather now and maybe we'll have a chance to actaully get it.
Bloody Lake Rendezvous

Since it's a first come, first served event, we are never sure where we will be camped. This year we ended up on the swamp side of the site, in what I would guess is one of the best spots for us. The coffeehouse was right on the main cross roads, our sign easily visable from the hill side of the site. I'm considering moving our arrival date from Thursday to earlier in the week next year and staking out this space permanantly.
I again set up the coffeehouse demo, but Bloody Lake isn't as heavy handed on the demos as other events. This was nice because it meant I got more time to wander around in camp, do some needed shopping for the demo and chat with friends. Coffee service was surprisingly slow, despite my new nick name of "coffee lady". The few people that did stop by for a dish were very complimentary thought. I was even fortunate enough to have a few visitors really engage me in conversation on the subjects. So while the event wasn't intensive in sheer crowd numbers, it was intense in the depth of material I was able to share.
Other highlights to the event included, getting to hear Dragonfly sing, fitting K into her brand new stays (pictured above), the confabulation of 3 Pints Gone, Brigands Folie and several other musicians who I couldn't identify, getting trounced at checkers by 4 kids at once and of course all the laughs around the fire at night. Here's to next years event being bigger and better.
Up next: 100 years on the Ohio, my first event in the great state of Kentucky!
Labels: 2009, Event Photos, Event Schedule
Slightly Obsessed has NOT became dull! It is true that it doesn't update very often, but when it does, there's something substantial there for us readers.
That said, it was lovely to see what these events you attended were like and I'm glad the coffee house had a good premier (it's such a beautiful idea, the coffee house).
I'm not the only one looking forward to see more from upcoming summer events!
I enjoy reading your "caffinated" adventures, Ms. Black. I hope we run into each other at an event in the future. If you are able, the North American Voyageur's Council Fall Gathering is meeting in your backyard this fall, Nov. 5-8 at the Mackenzie Environmental Center, Poynette WI. (http://www.navoyageur.org/gathering09.htm) I should be posting the presenters within the next few days.
The Clerk
Clerk, If you look back a bit to my tentivive 2009 schedule you will see that the NAVC is already "on the books". I'm very much looking forward to both it & the ONW ball.
We disreputable Scots are always happy to corrupt the innocent coffee woman!
You know, Hawaii has a...uh...very very...very...lame reenaction scene..you should come over here and set up! :p (Okay, MAYBE it's not as lame as that...but for years now, every Sunday, we drive past this group of people reenacting in the park..umm...yeah. They don't give you a good name, put it that way. :p)
Did she say "innocent coffee woman"? Hey, I read your blog..and other stuff...*I* don't see an "innocent coffee woman" around here! :p
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