Slightly Obsessed

A long standing living history blog covering all eras with a special focus on clothing, food & social culture as well as first-person reenacting.

Location: Barrington, 2c79a7d7-8d84-e411-95ca-d4ae52b58f15, United States

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Lost at Sea

Woh! I've been lazy lately, especailly about updating this blog. Rest assured plenty of work is still being done but with a longer deadline than I had for RF2 I've been spreading the jobs out more & burning myself out less.

L's jumps are finished!

I machine sewed the trim, flipped and hand sewed the interior. The back has 2 rows of hemp cording on either side of the eyelets for stability yet flexibility. I hand sewed all 24 eyelets during a crew work weekend. They look nice, but I hate those things. Around and around and around and around!

L's shift is finished!

I had to resew the sleeves. I got a little too generous with the inside seam and they ended up just a bit too think for comfort. So I widened those & used more dutch linen tape for the sleeve & neck hems.

I've cut my Hunting "Frock"/ Riding Habit

Spent a weekend at my mothers for this portion. The coat requires 5 years, folded length wise. It's easiest to lay out the full length and then fold in half, only my house isn't large enough to lay out 4 yards, much less 5. So a trip to my mothers and all the pieces for the coat, outer, inner & lining are cut out.

I am still in search of the perfect waistcoat fabric. I want something that falls in to preferably all but at least 1 of the following categories -historically accurate print (preferably a simple color floral) -historically accurate material (linen or wool preferably) -less than $30/yard. Yeah, not an easy order to fill but I'm still looking.

This week while L is at art camp I'm going to finish up her petticoats & make myself at least 1 of the two wool petticoats. I am also going to do another mock up of her mantua. I'm thinking that I can modify a more robe like pattern for her rather than continuing to mess around with the from scratch version that wasn't turning out well. Plus for kids, it only has to *look* right. We can take more liberties because it's darned lucky that kids are part of the group at all, much less in perfect garb. Oh & I found a pair of $10 shoes at Walmart that I am going to try recutting into latchet shoes.

Better get to those projects if I intend to get them finished in my limited free time this week!
