Slightly Obsessed

A long standing living history blog covering all eras with a special focus on clothing, food & social culture as well as first-person reenacting.

Location: Barrington, 2c79a7d7-8d84-e411-95ca-d4ae52b58f15, United States

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Yes, she may forgetful be, Yet will I remember thee

Belated Event Reviews

I find myself with little to say about the events of the past 2 months. They were what they were, as far as historical events go. Much like all the previous years of attendance at these events. Coffee was made & drunk, battles were staged, powder burned, boats sailed. Fires were kept hot for days at a time, songs sung around them at night, more coffee roasted & brewed over them during the day. Tents were set up and struck in short order only to be repeated again days later & several hundred miles away.

For now I leave you with a simple, wordless view of the last several events for the C Black Coffeehouse 2009 season.

Pike River Rendezvous

Pirates of Paynetown

Heritage Days Rendezvous

Mississinewa 1812

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