Fear not for the future, weep not for the past
It has been a quiet year in the coffeehouse. My busy educational schedule limited travel severely however we were still able to attend a few of my favorite events and share the coffeehouse demonstration with public all over the Midwest. In an effort to conserve journal space while still keeping everyone up to date with the past year of events, here is one, all be it long, entry for 2010.
The spring events persisted in their cold & windy way. Despite the warmth of a constant fire and layers of sturdy wool, the chill was hard to avoid. Being the hearty souls that we are however, we continued on our merry way, sipping at hot chocolate to keep our spirits & stomachs warm.
Bloody Lake Rendezvous
Bloody Lake and The Gathering at Macktown traded weekends this year and to be honest, this sent most of our early reenacting season out of whack. Macktown is a mere 5 minutes from my home, the perfect distance for the season opener, especially for all those little things that you have either forgotten to pack after being off for 4 months, or that you've forgotten to replenish over the winter. Still the weather was acceptable for spring in the Midwest, cool at night, sunny and warmer during the day and the company top notch. No amount of sun however, could fix L's sour mood.

Miss L demonstrates "melancholy" while the widow Black shows the proper use of the lap grinder.
The Gathering at Macktown
Cold, rainy, terrible weather means it must be the weekend for the Gathering at Macktown. School day was canceled due to the weather, which was especially frustrating for me, as I had rescheduled an exam that day in order to participate. I toughed it out for the remainder of the weekend, thankful for a warm fire and the constant cup of hot tea at my side.

The widow isn't angry, she's just very, very cold!
In stark contrast to the spring events, our summer season was miserably hot and humid. Still we soldiered on, and in the mean time found new and interesting ways to keep cool despite the weather.
Grand Encampment V
The coffeehouse wasn't in attendance at the Grand Encampment, however both L & I did our best to aid in the naval support offered to the British by the Great Lakes River Pirates. Sadly this weekend found us both suffering from a recurrent bought with consumption. It was very fortunate that I wasn't presenting for the weekend, as in addition to the frequent coughing fits, I found my voice nearly gone.

Quarter Master B & the widow Black enjoying well deserved sustenance while Lob tastes a newly imported blend of tea.
Pike River Rendezvous
Pike River saw the debut of First Person Interpretation Day at the coffeehouse. This was a nerve wrecking experience for many of us, since first person interpretation is so rare in the mid-western rendezvous circuit. However, armed with a little preparation, a list of 25 period terms and the support of our entire crew the day was a smashing success. In fact, it was such a success that I continued the practice for the remainder of the 2010 season.
Young D makes a great indentured servant while Lt. G has a blast at first person interpreting.

L keeps a weather eye on the horizon, and on the caffine deprived horde about to decend on the coffeehouse.
Pirates of Paynetown
Incredibly hot does not begin to describe the weekend at Paynetown. Thankfully there was a ready source of water to be had, once the public had abandoned it of course. The most memorable moment of the weekend was during the defense of the town when a well timed cannon volley ended in the opening up of the heavens and a sudden summer downpour. Of course I too enjoyed the weekend, there is nothing quite like a Regency lady of leisure defending her town.

From mild mannered proprietress to defending the town, in no time flat. Take that Miss Elizabeth Bennett!

L practicing her penmanship while the adults take a cool evening paddle in the lake.
Proving again that the weather can never be predicted, our fall events were simply lovely. Warm sunny days followed by cool, clear nights with just the right amount of chill to make snuggling under a warm wool blanket enjoyable. It just goes to show that just because you expect the worst, doesn't mean that you will get it.
Mississinewa 1812
Mississinewa is a lovely event, made even more so by the spectacular view. This year the coffeehouse was situated at the crossroads at the front corner of the north pirate camp. Despite the some what questionable neighborhood, I can assure you that we continued to up hold the honest business practices we always have at the coffeehouse! Well until the sun went down, and then it was cards, dice & debauchery but I believe we have paid off enough members of the militias on either side for such behavior to be over looked, at least this time.

Roasting all day in the fall sun, with a beautiful view for company.

Hard work on the river, deserves a hearty dinner at the coffeehouse.
Trail of History
The coffee house debuted at Trail of History this year, and even brought home a Booshway award for best new presentation. I also had the pleasure of being interviewed for an upcoming documentary on first person interpretation. On top of the busy demonstration for school day and the public it was a very successful first year. I look forward to next season and establishing the coffeehouse as the place to visit while at the event for both the public and the other participants.

The widow snuggles baby J while the oxen are hard at work on the kames.
The ONW Colonial Ball
The reenacting season ends as it always does, with the Colonial Ball. This year I was fortunate enough to be escorted by Mr. C. He was a little trepidatious over the idea of a "ball" but was gracious enough to humor me and dance each and every dance though out the night. I was even able to dance my all time favorite, a variation of Nonesuch in the round for as many as will. This dance has been at the top of my list for the last 4 years, it is the entire reason I look forward to the ball as much as I do!

Mr. C and the widow take brief rest between songs.
Until 2011, I'll keep the coffee hot for you...
photos © K. Garland, J. Legg-Bagley, M. Kehoe, N. Garrett & J.... (thanks everyone!)
The spring events persisted in their cold & windy way. Despite the warmth of a constant fire and layers of sturdy wool, the chill was hard to avoid. Being the hearty souls that we are however, we continued on our merry way, sipping at hot chocolate to keep our spirits & stomachs warm.
Bloody Lake Rendezvous
Bloody Lake and The Gathering at Macktown traded weekends this year and to be honest, this sent most of our early reenacting season out of whack. Macktown is a mere 5 minutes from my home, the perfect distance for the season opener, especially for all those little things that you have either forgotten to pack after being off for 4 months, or that you've forgotten to replenish over the winter. Still the weather was acceptable for spring in the Midwest, cool at night, sunny and warmer during the day and the company top notch. No amount of sun however, could fix L's sour mood.

Miss L demonstrates "melancholy" while the widow Black shows the proper use of the lap grinder.
The Gathering at Macktown
Cold, rainy, terrible weather means it must be the weekend for the Gathering at Macktown. School day was canceled due to the weather, which was especially frustrating for me, as I had rescheduled an exam that day in order to participate. I toughed it out for the remainder of the weekend, thankful for a warm fire and the constant cup of hot tea at my side.

The widow isn't angry, she's just very, very cold!
In stark contrast to the spring events, our summer season was miserably hot and humid. Still we soldiered on, and in the mean time found new and interesting ways to keep cool despite the weather.
Grand Encampment V
The coffeehouse wasn't in attendance at the Grand Encampment, however both L & I did our best to aid in the naval support offered to the British by the Great Lakes River Pirates. Sadly this weekend found us both suffering from a recurrent bought with consumption. It was very fortunate that I wasn't presenting for the weekend, as in addition to the frequent coughing fits, I found my voice nearly gone.

Quarter Master B & the widow Black enjoying well deserved sustenance while Lob tastes a newly imported blend of tea.
Pike River Rendezvous
Pike River saw the debut of First Person Interpretation Day at the coffeehouse. This was a nerve wrecking experience for many of us, since first person interpretation is so rare in the mid-western rendezvous circuit. However, armed with a little preparation, a list of 25 period terms and the support of our entire crew the day was a smashing success. In fact, it was such a success that I continued the practice for the remainder of the 2010 season.

L keeps a weather eye on the horizon, and on the caffine deprived horde about to decend on the coffeehouse.
Pirates of Paynetown
Incredibly hot does not begin to describe the weekend at Paynetown. Thankfully there was a ready source of water to be had, once the public had abandoned it of course. The most memorable moment of the weekend was during the defense of the town when a well timed cannon volley ended in the opening up of the heavens and a sudden summer downpour. Of course I too enjoyed the weekend, there is nothing quite like a Regency lady of leisure defending her town.

From mild mannered proprietress to defending the town, in no time flat. Take that Miss Elizabeth Bennett!

L practicing her penmanship while the adults take a cool evening paddle in the lake.
Proving again that the weather can never be predicted, our fall events were simply lovely. Warm sunny days followed by cool, clear nights with just the right amount of chill to make snuggling under a warm wool blanket enjoyable. It just goes to show that just because you expect the worst, doesn't mean that you will get it.
Mississinewa 1812
Mississinewa is a lovely event, made even more so by the spectacular view. This year the coffeehouse was situated at the crossroads at the front corner of the north pirate camp. Despite the some what questionable neighborhood, I can assure you that we continued to up hold the honest business practices we always have at the coffeehouse! Well until the sun went down, and then it was cards, dice & debauchery but I believe we have paid off enough members of the militias on either side for such behavior to be over looked, at least this time.

Roasting all day in the fall sun, with a beautiful view for company.

Hard work on the river, deserves a hearty dinner at the coffeehouse.
Trail of History
The coffee house debuted at Trail of History this year, and even brought home a Booshway award for best new presentation. I also had the pleasure of being interviewed for an upcoming documentary on first person interpretation. On top of the busy demonstration for school day and the public it was a very successful first year. I look forward to next season and establishing the coffeehouse as the place to visit while at the event for both the public and the other participants.

The widow snuggles baby J while the oxen are hard at work on the kames.
The ONW Colonial Ball
The reenacting season ends as it always does, with the Colonial Ball. This year I was fortunate enough to be escorted by Mr. C. He was a little trepidatious over the idea of a "ball" but was gracious enough to humor me and dance each and every dance though out the night. I was even able to dance my all time favorite, a variation of Nonesuch in the round for as many as will. This dance has been at the top of my list for the last 4 years, it is the entire reason I look forward to the ball as much as I do!

Mr. C and the widow take brief rest between songs.
Until 2011, I'll keep the coffee hot for you...
photos © K. Garland, J. Legg-Bagley, M. Kehoe, N. Garrett & J.... (thanks everyone!)
Labels: 2010, Event Photos, Event Schedule